QSIG Midday talk: Exploring the use of digital health interventions to support physical health for people with severe mental illness

19 Dec 2022, 12:00 to 13:00
Online - Zoom

Cathy Gillis is a Research Assistant at the Centre for Implementation Science, working on the Integrating our Mental and Physical Health Care Systems project.

Talk abstract:

There is increasing interest in how people can use digital interventions to manage their health. For people with SMI, there is evidence that digital health interventions can assist with management of mental health symptoms. However, less is known about how people with SMI use digital health interventions to support their physical health, and whether these interventions are feasible and acceptable.

Using a mixed methods approach, we explored how people with SMI use digital interventions to support their physical health, evaluating acceptability and contextual factors that may impact use, and the outcomes of use.

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