Slides now available: QSIG Midday Talk: using a multimedia mobile app for participant communications in a qualitative longitudinal study

29 Jan 2024, 12:00 to 13:00
Online - Zoom

Annie Irvine will describe her experiences of using a multimedia mobile phone app, Indeemo, to keep in touch with participants in a qualitative longitudinal study of transitions between work and welfare benefits, for people with mental health problems. The study (ongoing) involves three waves of in-depth interviews, spaced at six-month intervals. The aim was that participants would use the app to report any changes in their work, benefits or health circumstances between the main interviews, possibly triggering a 'responsive interview' if significant changes occurred between waves. In practice, the app has been taken up with varying enthusiasm by participants, and unanticipated ethical challenges have arisen.

Dr Annie Irvine is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the Centre for Society and Mental Health and a member of the core QUAHRC team. You can read her full profile here.

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